For some reason today has been a roller coaster of emotions I just really would had loved to talk to her today. One minute I would get all teared up and then I was OK for a bit, and then it would hit me again and I would get teared up.
I guess that is just part of the grieving process. I think it is tougher now than it was the day or week that she passed. I think part of that is that you just are in shock of the death and all of the shit that you need to handle at that time, now that has all passed and has been taken care of and you truly have time to truly feel and understand the impact of her being absent and it sucks eggs.
Thankfully I have some old voice mails from her on my cell phone so I listened to those just to hear her voice and that helped a little bit. However I would sure love to talk with her.
The weather today did not helping, it is a cold dreary overcast day. It has been spitting snow off and on but nothing of substance so far. Temperature wise it really is not bad (especially for January) but the wind has been blowing off and on and that wind has a real bite. Dad wanted the batteries changed in all of the garage door openers. I went out and did that early this morning. I am glad I did it when I did as it was a little calmer. I just took some garbage out and the wind was blowing and it just cuts thru you.
I had a very nice dinner and visit with Jeanne and Rob last evening. We went to the Derby. We had some good laughs remembering some of the old times.
My sister Colleen is on her way up and she is thankfully made it to Sheridan, WY before dark. She is going to spend the night there and then head up the rest of the way tomorrow. She said it was looking like snow in Wyoming but it was windy and the roads were a little snow packed (passing lane) and icy in some spots.