I had a weird night last night. It was one of the semi-restless nights. I went right to sleep, but had some weird ass dream. I certainly must have been tossing and turning because my CPAP hose came apart at some point during the night. I don’t remember a whole lot about the dream, other than it was weird. The only good thing that I remember is Jennifer was with me in most of it.
Something in the dream caused me to bolt awake at 3:30ish. I tried to go back to sleep, I tossed and turned and even tried reading but could not stay focused on what I was reading. So at about 4:45 I said screw it and just got up.
I did a few things around the house and made some coffee and then it was finally time to go to Bocce. It was a beautiful morning this morning so that was nice. However my team only won 1 of 3 games. We kicked ass in the first game and the next two games were nail biters, but we came up short.
I hate nights like that. I was actually hoping when I went to bed that I would maybe sleep in this morning. Well so much for that. I probably jinxed myself with that line of thinking.
I will say that the end of this election cycle cannot get here soon enough. The amount of money pissed away in all of this is just sickening. Everyday I am getting 3-5 pieces of mail with someone’s propaganda. I get 2-3 texts a day from various groups requesting me to complete a poll. Almost every damn commercial on TV is some candidate bashing their opponent followed by their opponent’s commercial bashing them.
If we put 1/10 of the money they have spent on these races into programs that actually helped people the country would be way better off. The BS in all of this is just sickening.
Yet both parties just keeping asking for more and more money and dumbasses just keep sending it to them. They are getting as bad as when old Tammy Faye and Jim Baker were taking advantage of all the folks they conned into handing over their hard earned money to support Tammy’s makeup fund and Jim’s hush money payoffs.
Maybe I am too much of a simpleton, but I try to do my own research and form my own opinion and not let some flyer, commercial, network talking head or celebrity tell me how I should be voting. Obviously I must be in the minority or they would not be sending all of this crap out and flooding the airwaves and internet with all of their BS. Some printing companies in China must be working overtime to get all of this stuff produced.
Also if I ever get my hands on the bastard who gave my phone number to the Western travel company, I am going to open up a can of whoop ass on them. I get a phone call almost daily from those bastards.
It is different phone number and part of the country almost every time so blocking the number does not work. Of course when I do answer you can tell it is from some person in some huge call center in BF Egypt or some other god foresaken country that is going to try and tell me about whatever I won in some drawing. Ranks right up there with the Nigerian Prince that is going to make me a millionaire if I could just be so kind to provide my banking information so he can transfer a few million into my account to hold for him until he gets things straightened out.
I have given up trying to be polite to these folks and asking them to take me off their call list. I know the poor bastard that is making the call is just trying to make their quota for the day so they can get a peso or two, but damn it, it is frustrating. They usually just get some choice four letter words with a kind F-off at the end.
Well enough therapy for today, I got my own damn blood pressure up writing this. It supposed to be just the opposite. So let me close with a little humor that I heard the other day. How can you pick out the blind guy on a nude beach? It’s not hard.