Well it was a busy and fun day and I am tuckered out.
The Galbavy's got to the ranch around noon and we had some snacks and then opened gifts. As usual, I got more than I deserved. We had some good laughs as the Galbavy's had packed our gifts in those funny joke boxes. What made it even funnier was that the folks did not initially realize they were joke boxes.
The boys got a small compound bow and a target for Christmas so we went out and they shot at the target. Thankfully the arrows had fluorescent fletching so we could find them in the snow bank.
Jeanne and Rob showed up at about 3:00 and we had a nice visit before dinner. We had a nice dinner, the prime rib turned out great and was able to satisfy all the tastes (well done, medium rare,etc.). I choked up a little during the blessing, but pulled through.
Then came the tough part, the dishes. As I have mentioned before, that was the duty Jennifer usually handled. Chad, Cindy and I jumped on them and got most of them taken care of. Then I played a couple of games of virtual Pong (a gift my folks gave them) with the boys. Old uncle Joe was able to end the night undefeated.
The boys were pretty tired (especially Case) so the Galbavy's hit the road home. For some reason Case thought he had school tomorrow and was happy to hear that he did not and that he could sleep in tomorrow.
After the Galbavy's left I did a few more things, unloaded the dishwasher and loaded the last few dishes and washed the roasting pan. Well I am like Case and I am pretty darn tired.
It was fun but I am glad it is behind us. I will happy to see 2023 in the rear view mirror.
Well enough for today.