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Still Have Not Gotten The Internal Clock Adjusted

Writer's picture: sologubj9sologubj9

I still have not gotten the internal Body Clock on the Pacific time zone yet. I keep waking up at 4:00 am in the morning (which is 5:00 Mountain time and my normal wake up time.). I hope I come around and get it adjusted this week, because about 4-5 hours of sleep is just not enough. I hit the afternoon and my butt is dragging.

For whatever reason this morning at 4:00 am, my pea brain got stuck on remembering disagreements that Jennifer and I had over the 34 years we were married. I tried going back to sleep but just could not, so gave up and just got up.

I saw the below photo and caption posted the other day on Facebook and it made me laugh, because that was a feeling I never got. I was like the Minnesota Vikings in super bowls when it came to winning arguments with her. I was something like zero for 10,000 or maybe even worse.

However she never relegated me to the couch, I may have slept there voluntarily a couple of times, but I was never banished there. Although I am sure I probably should have maybe slept with one eye open a couple of times because she maybe would have gladly smothered me for some stupid thing I did or said. However, as I have mentioned before I am not the sharpest pencil in the box and would generally sleep like a baby when I probably shouldn’t have.

People who knew as a married couple know that we could banter each other pretty well, but she always put me in my place when I took it too far or I got to big for my britches.

She definitely wore the pants in the family, she might let me think I did, but when she had to, she would quickly put me in my place. Maybe I should go back to school and get a law degree, then I could be on the Supreme Court, because it is pretty clear that the wives of most of the male justices are running the show. So I would have that qualification going for me.

I just wish I could have one more crack at winning a arguement with her, Statistically I had to be close to winning one. It is weird the things you miss when someone departs your life. Enough for today.

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Sep 04, 2024


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