Well Mom, Dad and I all tested negative for Covid this morning. So,that allowed Dad and I to get out and help with the Auction pick up. We got up early and got dad a shower and then got him on his scooter. It was a tough day for him, but he got to visit with a lot of folks, so he made it through it.
It was crazy busy, but we got a lot done. According to the auction folks, we had over 100:people pick up their stuff today. So we have like 65 people that will pick up their stuff tomorrow.
The day started nice but it got pretty damn hot and breezy this afternoon. I am sure the poor wild fire fighters were not happy to see the wind. This evening it is pretty smokey out. Missoula, MT got hammered with a pretty severe microburst last night. Lots of tree damage and power outages over that way.
I am beat tonight.