Today I spent a good chunk of the day dealing with Vehicle paperwork. I was working on the paperwork to get the title to our camp trailer solely in my name. We are listed as joint owners on the current title. We still have the trailer licensed, registered and insured in Texas.
Well this requires the completion of several forms. Of course my computer printer decided today was the day to not print well. I cleaned it several times but it would still not print good quality forms. So I downloaded the forms onto a thumb drive and went down to library and uploaded and printed them and then made a copy just in case I screwed one up. Then back home and started completing them. Of course one form needed to be notarized so then had to go to the bank to get it notarized. That was a whole other pain in the ass, but I got it done. Then back home to compile all the forms and other associated paperwork and writing a check to cover the fees and the to UPS store to get them mailed off to Livingston, Texas. We never lived there but believe it or not we have a address there. We belong to the Escapees club (Club for full time RVer's) and they provide us a address and mail forwarding service (for a fee of course), but that is how we keep the trailer licensed in Texas. We looked at having it changed to Nevada, but it was way more expensive here so we found this work around.
Now all of this was gut wrenching because it brought up a lot of memories. Like all the trailers we looked at before finally settling on this one. The day we got it and took it for a shake out trip about 2 miles from our house. How we were installing the Max Air Vent Covers on the air vents in 95+ degree temps in the storage yard we had it in, etc., etc.
I also ordered a new printer. I did take a short break to buy my ticket to Lilly Benners upcoming performance in Les Miserable at the end of the month in Vegas at Bishop Gorman highschool and to make a reservation at the Benner Hotel for that weekend. It has been a hopping spot, but I know the owners and they made sure my spot was open.
Well I got done at UPS just in time to go to a Rotary meeting on the merging of the two clubs and then back home to grab a bite and do some computer work based on the outcome of tonight's meeting and got that back out to the group for review.
Then I will be back to Rotary in the morning. Tomorrow is also our monthly book sale so I will be working that and if the damn weather cooperates will get some Pickleball played in the afternoon. Today's Round Robin event got cancelled due to high winds and sprinkling rain. I would not have made it anyway.
Now I need to start working on the car and truck titles. I stopped by the local DMV office today to see if the folks could help me but they were stacked up like cord wood in there and it appeared that only 1 guy was working. Typical DMV operation. So I will get online in the coming days and get that researched. Something else to look forward to. NOT!
Well I better hit the hay, tomorrow is coming quickly.