I have written about how I always start the game Wordle with the word Pearl. Well guess what? Today was finally the day that Pearl was the word and I damn near missed it.
At 11:55 pm tonight I played Wordle ( just before going to bed) and it finally paid off! Pearl was the word! I can now go to my grave a happy man. If I had been five minutes later I would not have gotten it, as the word would have changed to tomorrow’s word.
After several years of playing this game, I can say I finally got it on the first try. I feel like I won an Oscar. My acceptance speech would be something like this:
I would like to Thank the Academy and the New York Times you for finally granting my request to make Pearl the word of the day. I have shucked many a Wordle before I finally got one with “Pearl”in it.
I have so many people that I need to thank. First I would like to thank Lorie Malody for introducing this game to my wife and I. I would like to thank my late wife Jennifer for constantly challenging me in playing this game. Quit playing that damn music! After all the years of playing this damn game I am going to stay up here and say what I want to say!
Now where was I at, Oh yeah I also want to thank Andy Engdahl who earlier this evening asked if I had played Wordle today. I told him I had not, that I was planning to play it like I always do right before I go to bed. Now he did not indicate that Pearl was the word, he just said that he almost got it on the first try today. I am not bright enough to have taken that subtle hint that maybe I should make sure to play it today. Anyway, just by happenstance and habit I did and I got it on the first try.
I would like to thank my first grade teacher Miss Jean, who got me into reading and studying words. I would like to thank my parents who pushed me to read and listened to my reading and my sounding out words in the infamous Dick and Jane books as a child.
Without all this support and hard work I would not have reached this momentous occasion of solving a five letter word puzzle that is not going to get me six figure pay offs for playing this damn game. However it is the equivalent of a hole in one in golf (at least in my book). Now where is my damn gold figurine and the super model to walk me off this damn stage.
Congratulations! ☺️
Congrats!! 🍾🎉 🤣🤣 Have a great Saturday!
LOL, congratulations Joe!!!