I hope everyone is having a Happy Easter. We are waiting for the arrival of the Galbavy's.
We had a nice pancake & sausage breakfast this morning and then made some deviled eggs for this afternoon.
It snowed about a half inch last night, but it is a nice partly cloudy morning now. However, the wind does have a bite, but when it is not blowing it is nice.
I have been reminiscing this morning about Easter's past. Most were just the two of us, but we also had visitors on many of them. We always liked that. Jennifer was always good about having some Easter candy for Easter morning. I usually would forget unless it was her birthday.
She also liked to watch the old movie Easter Parade with Judy Garland and Free Astaire during this time of the year.
Easter came early this year, a couple years it landed on Jennifer's Birthday. I cant't believe that her and her brother Mike's first heavenly birthday's will be here before I know it. I still am having a hard time getting my head around her not being here with me. It is what it is, but it sure does suck.
Well the Galbavy's just arrived, so I better sign off for now.
Happy Easter! 🐣
Happy Easter to the Sologub clan!