Yesterday I felt like I was at Grand Central station.
Took Dad to town for Dr Appointment and then to Walmart for some various items. Several I could not find so it took longer than I thought.
Hustled home because some Nurses from county health department were coming to conduct a survey about Health care in Jefferson county. That took longer than we were expecting.
Then we had some neighbors that stopped in for a visit.
Jim and Elaine were in Mesquite for lunch with Sheri and Tony and were nice enough to swing by my house and check my five gallon buckets of water that I have around the house. However I had to make sure the alarm system was off and talk then thru how to grab water to top the buckets off. I really appreciated them doing that for me.
With all this going on I ended up missing calling in for my Rotary meeting.
Also we were going to have a country style pork ribs for dinner, well that did not happen so I had to scramble to throw some dinner together. Fortunately they had some pre-made hamburger Pattie's in the freezer and some Rice-a-Ronnie in the pantry. So three the burgers on the grill and made up the rice.
Anyway it was a busy day. I slept like a log last night.
Today Dads Rotary club is having a social meeting instead of their regular noon meeting so we all will go to town to Buffalo Wild Wings for that this evening. So I guess we will have the Pork Ribs on Friday.