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Writer's picture: sologubj9sologubj9

Yesterday, I just did not feel like writing, so I was delinquent.

I did go play Pickleball on Sunday morning. It was nice to finally get on the court and play some. I was pretty rusty, but my game was finally coming around when I left. My friend Dave Searle was also there and we had a good visit. After Pickleball I went and got some groceries and came home.

When I got home, Colleen and I worked on getting the folks new refrigerator organized and restocked. I mainly hauled things from the other refrigerators and Colleen did the organizing. For those that know me, I am not good at organizing. That was Jennifer’s role (she was a good organizer). I on the other hand am a good hauler and piler.

One of the other things I wanted to make sure I got done before departing was to get new tires put on the four wheeler that we mount a snow plow on for use in plowing snow in the winter. So Sunday evening I got the tires off and put them in my truck. Yesterday morning, I took them in and got new tires.

I left the tires at the tire shop and then went and got some donuts at Safeway (Town Talk Bakery is closed on Monday’s) and came home. I then cut the grass. Cindy and the boys came over yesterday afternoon and we finished getting stuff out of my grandpa’s house and back into the house. So the folk’s house is pretty much back together. We had a heck of a storm just as they were getting ready to leave to head back to Helena. They had to get back for Heath’s second soccer practice. He has made the High School soccer team (even though he is only a eighth grader). So we are excited for him. We had hail and a lot of lightning and thunder and strong wind gusts.

One of the few fun things that the boys have gotten to do this summer is drive vehicles. Up until yesterday they have been mainly driving on the frontage road. They would stop at the exit and one would get to drive the five miles to the house and then the other would get to drive from the house to the exit in the way home. Well yesterday Heath got his first chance to drive in traffic on the Interstate. He drove from Jefferson City to the ranch and then from the ranch to Jefferson City think it was a good experience for him. Now I know he is only 13, but Cindy is a old drivers ed teacher and she has been teaching the kids about driving for several years, so she felt he was ready to start driving in traffic. All of us kids started driving at a young age, I was probably four years old when I started driving a tractor. We had a old Alice Chalmers tractor that had a hand clutch that you could throw to take the tractor out of gear. I would drive it at a slow pace in the field towing a hay wagon behind it while my dad picked hay bales and that was how I started driving. I then progressed on to other farm vehicles. Both Colleen and Cindy did the same.

Anyway as Cindy and the boys were getting ready to leave, Case had gone out to pull the car up to the front door of the house. Just as he was getting to the car there was a big lightning strike. Well I think he might have needed to change his shorts when he got home. He was pretty comical when he got out of the car. I asked him what he thought about that lightning strike and his reply was “Oh Crap”. One of the many things Case is infatuated with is weather. He is especially infatuated with tornadoes. As the storm clouds were forming yesterday he was on Cindy’s phone checking out the forecast and letting us know the times that the storms were going to be hitting us and they were pretty close to right yesterday. He is one comical little kid.

Colleen officially started her new job of teaching Geometry and Algerbra at Butte High School yesterday. She had a orientation session yesterday afternoon. Then she had to drop her truck off at the body shop to get repaired, so I drove in and picked her and the four wheeler tires up and brought her home. We then had a Costco meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. Colleen had picked that up on Saturday when she was in Helena. I was skeptical about how this meal was going to be, but I have to be honest it was pretty darn tasty.

After dinner, I went out and put the new tires on the four wheeler. So hopefully it will have better traction for plowing when the snow balls start flying.

Then I came in and watched the Democratic convention. I missed some of the speakers (Hillary in particular) which was fine I was never a big Hillary fan. I was pleased that they gave President Biden a nice send off even if it was pretty late in the evening before he finally got on stage.

Overall I was pleased with the speeches I heard, now only if they follow through (which they rarely do). Also I just hope/wish we would keep the separation of church and state clearer. I always get a little worried when I hear to much “God” talk in these speeches. I don’t care what your religion is, just keep it out of government.

Well enough for today. I need to starting organizing and packing my stuff that I am going to ship home and help get the house more organized today. I will be departing for Mesquite on Monday (26th).

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