We had a beautiful day today. Chad , Case and I got a early start this morning. We had to be in town to pick up a 45’ towable man lift so we (I should say Chad) could fix a piece of flashing that was torn off the barn by the high winds we had last week. Below is a picture (the piece that is dangling eventually got torn off as well.).
Jennifer would have been happy. We had Chad out fitted in fall protection and tied off and the rental company gave us a brand new man lift. We also killed the power to the power lines. Chad did a great job and we got it knocked out quickly.
Of course once we got it repaired the boys then had to take a ride with Dad in the bucket. They went the full 45’ feet up. Case was liking it, Heath was not as thrilled Fortunately we had a extra harness and they wore it so Aunt Jen would have been OK with it. The harness was pretty big on Case, but he wore it.
Thankfully we knocked it out quickly and only had to pay a half day rent on the unit.
I have regaled you before about the last time I was up there using our old H tractor and a ladder on the scaffold attachment to paint the barn the summer of our wedding. This setup was much safer and much quicker.
Then Chad and I took it back to town and then ran a couple of errands. The most important one was getting Case some more fish hooks. We came home and had a quick lunch and then I got ready and went back to town.
I went back in for Liam Kindt’s highschool graduation party. I met Jeanne and Rob there. It was a very nice party and it was nice seeing Ed and Sue Cleary as well as both their daughters Dana and Maran. Liam is Dana’s oldest son and Ed and Sue’s oldest grandson.
The party was at the Racetrack Firehall. I had not been inside it for years. I spent a fair bit of time in that building during my youth, as we used to have 4H meetings there and I also attended many a wedding reception there. Sadly they do not rent it out for events anymore. It is a nice meeting hall. Liam was able to have his party there because he is a member of the department.
Then I came home and we had dinner and then Cindy, Chad, the boys and I took a 4 wheeler ride down to the old railroad tunnel. It was a beautiful night for a ride. The road to the tunnel is in pretty rough shape and unfortunately the tunnel has been closed because of decay. It was built in 1911. Below is a poor quality selfie that I took.
So it was a good day!