Yesterday we celebrated my Auntie Betty’s 90th birthday here at Mom and Dads’s House. We had the party on Mom and Dad’s patio, fortunately the weather gave us a decent day (it was a little breezy), but a beautiful day otherwise.
Auntie Betty is my Dad’s older sister and his only sibling. She is also my Godmother.
My cousin’s Kathy, John, and Karen gave Auntie Betty a very nice party. We had burgers, chips and povatica that my cousin Karen baked and of course birthday cake. John’s son Kyle did a great job cooking the burgers.
Cindy, Chad and I got the patio ready and cleaned up from the winter and before the party I drug the yard with the tractor and drag to get rid of a few ruts from the winter/spring season.
While I was doing that I was having memories of some of my childhood birthdays. My Aunt Betty used to make my sister Colleen and I birthday cakes that were in shapes of things (e.g. animals, objects, etc.). A lot of those early birthdays were held in the same general area that we celebrated yesterday. With years of remodeling the actual site would be in the big room that mom and Dad added on. Anyway I was remembering how exciting it was when I was a little older (5-6) to get to pick out what we wanted for a cake from the book Auntie Betty had with the various cake shapes and she would make it for us.
Then there would be a party in the backyard on the old patio that we had. The Krstulich’s, Paul Eddy, the Ryan’s, the Cerise’s and a few other neighbors/ family friends and maybe a school friend or two would usually come and we would have games (pin the tail on the donkey, etc) and then cake and ice cream. My Birthday is in July, so the weather would usually be nice.
Anyway it was a nice party and some of those same people were able to attend yesterday’s party so it was pretty nostalgic for me. Jennifer would have enjoyed the party and the Birthday cake white cake with white frosting and pink roses.
After the party, Cindy and Case ran to town to get some earthworms so Case could go fishing. He just loves to fish and he had been wanting to go all day, but he did not have worms. So they picked up some worms and a couple of Pappa Murphy’s pizza’s for dinner. So we had a quick dinner and then Case and I went down behind the barn to go fishing. Now in my day we would have went out and dug the worms ourselves (kids these days are spoiled).
At one point during the fishing Case had got his line pretty tangled up when he made a miscast. So we were working to get it untangled and a pretty good sized muskrat came swimming down the creek. This was the first muskrat that Case had ever seen. He swam right in front of us and continued on down the creek.
Chad joined us down at the creek just after we saw the muskrat and shortly after Heath came down. He was wanting to go on a four wheeler ride. Something he had been wanting to do all afternoon. Well the fishing was a little slow, but old Case was not wanting to give up. About this time the sky was getting pretty dark with storm clouds and then Case caught his first fish. Well that put the end to him wanting to go on the four wheeler ride. So he and I stayed fishing and Chad and Heath took off to go on a ride.
Well Case found a Honey Hole and caught 4 more fish, he actually caught a couple of nice rainbow trout, which are rare in the creek, usually they are Eastern Brook trout. Anyway it started to lightning and Thunder. So we hightailed it to the house and just got in when it started to rain.
Below is a photo of the proud fisherman with a picture with one of his rainbow’s (actually the smaller one), we did not think to capture a photo of his first one (which was larger). We were catching and releasing them.
Poor Chad and Heath got soaked as they tried to beat the rain home. So their ride was pretty short but exciting. Heath was saying he could hardly see and was just following his Dads headlights on the ride home in the pouring rain.
So all in all it was a nice day.